2019 harvest will certainly be remembered for the reduction in our wine production, approximately 15% less compared to the previous year.
The climate throughout the year had been very erratic. Our grapevines experienced an early sprouting due to the extremely hot and dry winter weather and fluctuating temperatures in March, with cold weather returning in late May, then extremely hot temperatures at the end of June.
Autumn was very wet, leaving the earth waterlogged. The winter was unusually very mild, perhaps even too warm. This led to an early growth spurt as the soil was still wet and rich in minerals from the heavy autumn rain.
Then came some very warm spring months, especially April and May, which brought on early blossoming, approximately 15 days earlier than expected.
Record temperatures were recorded at the beginning of the summer, especially in June and July, which slowed down the normal grapevines’ growth.
The saving grace were the months of August and September. Cool temperatures in August slowed down the ripening of the grapes, while the warm weather in September allowed the grapes to fully mature.
Despite these volatile weather conditions, it was an excellent year overall and, as a result of the temperature drop in August, our wines stand out for their freshness and aromas.
Our 2019 wines, therefore, boast a high-drinkability score, sapidity and a complex structure.